

I graduated in theatre directing at the Scuola d’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi in Milan in the academic year 2005-2006. After having extended my studies with Elio De Capitani and Eimuntas Nekrosius, in 2006 I started collaborating with Giorgio Barberio Corsetti as assistant director and in 2009 founded the theatre company Container with Giulia Abbate producing Ciccio, Latrati ( Premio giovani realtà 2009), Paesaggio di una battaglia and Girls Girls Girls. In 2010 I was part of the directing team for the teatro-novela Bizarra by R. Spregelburd (Premio Ubu 2010 for best foreign play) produced by Teatro di Roma and Fattore K. In 2011 I worked as revival director for the opera The witches of Venice by Philip Glass at the National Opera House Amsterdam and the Theatre Alighieri in Ravenna. I have been collaborating with Andrèe Ruth Shammah at the Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan and teach aesthetics and history of contemporary directing at the Scuola d’arte drammatica Paolo Grassi, at the Scuola di Cinema and at IULM University in Milan since 2012. In the same year I designed the set for the opera The Magic Flute by W.A. Mozart directed by Nicola Berloffa for the Tenerife auditorium. In 2013 I directed Felicità produced by Musica per Roma and of the show Niente, più niente al mondo written by M. Carlotto and produced by the Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan. The same year I designed the set for Così fan tutte by W.A. Mozart directed by Nicola Berloffa for the Tenerife auditorium. In 2014 I directed Conversation with Chomsky a talk-opera with original music by Emanuele Casale for Fondazione Musica per Roma and of the theatre show L’inquilino by F. Banfo produced by Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan. In 2015 I designed the set for Boheme, The Tales of Hoffmann and A Masked Ball, all directed by Nicola Berloffa. Again in 2015 I directed Fear and misery of the third Reich by B. Brecht produced by Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan and was artistic director for the first edition of the visual and performing arts festival I riverberi del corpo. In 2016 I directed Kvetch by S. Berkoff and Bull by M. Bartlett, produced by Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan. Again in 2016 I signed the direction of the project Figaro! Operacamion with set and costume design by Gianluigi Toccafondo produced by the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma and the Teatro Massimo di Palermo.
In 2017 I developed and directed a performance for the design brand Cassina and the set design and direction for the fashion show AA x YOOX, signed the set design for Madama Butterfly by G. Puccini at the Teatro Massimo di Palermo and at the Festival di Macerata, directed Don Giovanni – Operacamion for the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma and directed the debut of Opera Panica – Cabaret Tragico by A. Jodorowsky at the Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan. In 2018 I was artistic director for the Fay A/I19 collection showcase and developed my first study for a new theatre piece: TITUS by W. Shakespeare and H. Muller. June will see the debut of Rigoletto – Operacamion in Rome followed by the debut of the new project Elisir d’amore – Operapaese in September. In 2019 I will open the season at the Teatro Massimo di Palermo with the opera Turandot by G. Puccini with video and costume design by the Russian video artists group AES+F.

ph. © Fabio Artese

You can find more information on the work of Fabio Cherstich here.